Chinese translation for "green tara"
- 绿度母
Related Translations:
tara: 察勒度母(女菩萨)多良多罗明星报女儿圆恬塔拉泰拉太良舞姿翩翩翩翩起舞
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Long life empowerment and green tara empowerment 并举行长寿佛绿度母灌顶 | | 2. | The green tara source of the other twenty emanations 绿度母之心咒 | | 3. | This very unique , rare and seldom seen form of green tara represents a once - in - a - lifetime opportunity 这尊特殊且难得一见的绿度母的确非常值得珍藏。 | | 4. | Yesterday disciple jing xing asked me to compose a dedication for his version of the green tara sadhana 昨天弟子敬行请我为他的绿度母仪轨版本写篇回向文。 | | 5. | Under my supervision and adding green tara mantra as i suggested , disciple chang wang had come up with a new pureland mantra wheel 在我的指导下并依我所建议增入缘度母咒,弟子昌旺已作出新的净土咒轮。 | | 6. | Unusually , green tara does not sit in meditative pose ; instead her right leg extends outwards , to show us that she is ready to step forward to help us in our time of need 与其他佛像比较不同的是绿度母不是结跏趺坐于莲花台上相对的?右脚往外舒展象征著?随时应众生之求给予即时的安乐。 | | 7. | He also offered the chakrasambhara and green tara initiations at tergar monastery , and was a buddhist representative at the interfaith ceremony commemorating the enlightenment and parinirvana of lord buddha 2550 years ago 在这里,特别要多谢dorophy对kkcw网站读者的看护,没有她的关注与支持,大家最终可能看不到此批法照 | | 8. | This figure of khadiravani tara devi is sometimes referred to as the " 22nd tara " but is not associated with any specific aspect of the female buddha as the other 21 forms . this very rare representation of green tara , depicts her appearance to lord nagarjuna in the khadiravani forest of south india 此难得一见的卡迪拉瓦尼度母有别于一般呈坐姿的绿度母相传?于南印度卡迪拉瓦尼森林中示现于树菩萨前。 | | 9. | So his name spread all over the country of being a powerful tantrician and he gave many empowerments and teachings on those subjects with a special emphasis on the tantras of heruka , hayagriva , yamantaka , gyelchen shugden , guhyasamaja , vajrayogini , green tara , mahakali , white tara , vaishravani and others 期间他也不断地授予各类殊胜灌顶密法及传授广泛的显密教法因此声明远播。他尤其擅长于胜乐金刚马头鸣王大威德金刚雄丹护法密集金刚金刚瑜珈母绿度母白度母大黑天王及多闻天王的密法。 | | 10. | The great buddha green tara the most common form of tara who made the vow to return always as a female bodhisattva is resplendent in her aura of green , radiant with the attainment of all the six perfections of giving , ethics , patience , effort , meditative stabilisation and wisdom , and bright with her ever - compassionate care for all sentient beings 绿度母伟大的绿度母佛母曾许下宏愿将永远示现为柔美温厚的菩萨以度一切有情众生。 ?身上散发出柔和的绿光代表?已成就六波罗密为众生的付出永不间断。 |
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